Social Justice Research 誌への論文掲載決定
以下の論文が「Social Justice Research」誌に掲載されることが決まりました。
While research into justice reasoning has progressed extensively, the findings and implications have been mainly limited to Western cultures. This study investigated the relationship between immanent and ultimate justice reasoning about others’ misfortune and good good fortune in Japanese participants. The effects of goal focus and religiosity, which previously have been found to foster justice reasoning, were also tested. Participants were randomly assigned to one condition of a 2 (goal focus: long term or short-term) × 2 (target person’s moral value: respected or thief) × 2 (type of fortune: misfortune or good fortune) design. For immanent justice reasoning, the results revealed that a “bad” person’s misfortune was attributed to their past misdeeds, while a “good” person’s good fortune was attributed to their past good deeds. Regarding ultimate justice reasoning, it was found that a good person’s misfortune was connected more to future compensation than their good fortune, whereas a bad person’s misfortune was not reasoned about using ultimate justice. There was no significant effect of religiosity or goal focus on justice reasoning, which is inconsistent with the findings of previous studies. The necessity of directly examining cultural differences is discussed in relation to extending and strengthening the theory of justice reasoning.
2 種類の公正推論を促進させると言われる、宗教性や長期目標への焦点化は、日本人を対象とした検討では効果がみられなかったものの、道徳的価値の低い人物の 不運は内在的公正推論が行われ、道徳的価値の高い人物の不運は究極的公正推論が行われるという傾向は先行研究と一貫していたという内容です。また、このよ うな先行研究の再現性の検討に加えて、幸運に対する公正推論についても新たに検討しました。